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Mūsdienīgu un stilīgu frizūru radīšana, nu vairs nav iedomājama bez dažādu palīginstrumentu izmantošanas, jo tie nodrošina matu termisko apstrādi. Tās var būt gan vieglas lokas, gan čirkainas sprogas, vai tieši otrādi – matu iztaisnošana vai nogludināšana- bez kārtīgas uzsildīšanas tas nav iespējams. Mēs visi zinam, ka sildīšana atstāj negatīvu iespaidu uz matu veselību, tāpēc šādas elektrosildošās ierīces izmantojam ļoti piesardzīgi. Bet tas neattiecas uz kompānijas CERA produkciju!

Lielā šīs kompānijas elektroierīču daudzveidība paver visplašākās iespējas jaunu un stilīgu frizūru radīšanā ne tikai frizieru salonos, bet arī mājās. Šo dažādo ierīču keramiskās virsmas ne tikai saudzē matus, bet arī ar jonizācijas sistēmas palidzību rada antistatisku efektu un palīdz saglabāt tiem veselīgu izskatu. MAti nezaudē mitrumu, paliek dzīvīgi un veselīgi gan skaisti ieveidotie, gan iztaisnoti. Profesionāla frizieru tehnika CERA ir aprīkota ar elektroniskām sistemām, kuras nodrošina bezpakāpenisku uzsilšanas temperatūras kontroli, automātisku atslēgšanos pie uzkaršanas un ērtiem ciparu displejiem.

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78.00 €


Whether you are trying to straighten out your lusciously thick locks or tame that flyaway fine hair, the Day-To-Day Straightener will set things straight - day after day! Benefits - PTC heater for fast heat up and stable temperature - Ion Technology - Auto shut-off after ca 60 minutes Output: Adjustable, 130-230°C Plates: Ceramic and tourmaline coating Plate size: 24x87 mm, floating Weight: 240g Cord: Swivel, 2.5 meter
84.00 €

Cera Deep Waver

24.00 €

Cera Mini Volume Iron

Mini hair styler for creating volume. Lifts the roots, creating incredible, long-lasting volume. Is also suitable for accenting the small parts of your hair style. Ideal for the thin hair with the lack of volume. Ceramic coating. Compact size.
87.00 €

Cera Pro200ion Hair Dryer

Description Benefits: - Powerful AC Motor Output:- 1100 liters of air/minute (68 m³/h) Features: - 2000 Watt - 2 Speed Settings - 4 Temperature Settings - Intstant Cold Shot Button Weight: 530 g Cord: 3 meter Included:- 2 nozzles
49.00 €


Professional Curling Iron.
80.00 €


Hair straightener with ceramic surface, quick warm-up and stable temperature Adjustable temperature from 130 ° to 230 ° C Auto-off after 1 hour Rotating wire 2.5 m Digital screen
95.00 €


Professional hair straightener with ceramic surface. Usage: Use the device only when it is switched on. Turn the unit on with the On / Off button until you see the numbers on the display. Allow the appliance to warm up for 30-45 seconds before use. To adjust the temperature you need, press the On / Off button while you are adjusting the temperature. Adjust the temperature for your hair. Depending on your hair type, desired effect and individual preference and technique, the temperature can be adjusted from 160⁰C to 230⁰C It is recommended to use a hair protection product against heat. After use, let the appliance cool down and then wipe it with a damp towel.
55.00 €

CERA WAND 19-32mm

Conical shaped scissors with ceramic surface. Helps to quickly and easily make circles and give them shine. Digital temperature control up to 210 ° C Rotating wire 3m
60.00 €


Turn on the CeraMicrocurler using the button at the top of the display. Allow to warm up for 30-45 seconds Set the desired temperature. Depending on the type of hair you prefer, the temperature can be adjusted from 80 ° to 210 ° C When the selected temperature is reached, the display stops flashing Hair styling is recommended during styling. After use, allow the shears to cool. Then clean it with a damp towel.
72.00 €


Turn on the CeraCrimpstyler using the button at the top of the display. Allow to warm up for 30-45 seconds Set the desired temperature. Depending on the type of hair you prefer, the temperature can be adjusted from 130 ° to 230 ° C When the selected temperature is reached, the display stops flashing Hair styling is recommended during styling. After use, allow the shears to cool. Then clean it with a damp towel.
230.00 €


The Cera Digital Care hair dryer is efficient and easy to handle. Choose from five powers to get the heat and blowing setting that best suits your needs. The innovative shape enables a really comfortable grip. The hair dryer also has an automatic cleaning function, which enables the device to be cleaned just by pressing a button. Good to know: Digital display Five different working levels (Fast, Style, Nourish, Baby and Manual) 1600 watts 3 speed settings (manual mode) and 3 temperature settings (manual mode) Automatic cleaning function Cold air setting Weight 460 g Cable 2.5 meters Comes with 1 magnetic nozzle and 2 magnetic diffusers